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Fairview Township enacted The Fairview Township Burning Ordinance of 2004 to regulate open burning and outdoor fires.
Burning is not permitted on any streets, sidewalks, alleys or public grounds.
Burning out-of-doors is permitted on private property only for the following purposes: to prevent a hazard, when approved by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); to instruct firefighting personnel, when approved by DEP; to prevent disease or pests, when approved by DEP; to burn yard waste resulting from occupancy of a private property, when on the premises of a structure occupied solely as a dwelling by two families or less; to burn wood materials for recreational or ceremonial purposes; for cooking food; and for burning, clearing and grubbing waste from land consistent with DEP regulations.
Burning which is otherwise permitted is subject to the following requirements:
1. No fire may be closer than 15 feet from any building or structure, nor close than 30 feet from any property line.
2. Summer: From Memorial Day through Labor Day, burning is permitted on Wednesday only, between 12 noon and 8 p.m.
3. Winter: From Labor Day through Memorial Day, burning is permitted only on Wednesday and Saturday, from 12 noon to 5 p.m.
4. Outdoor fires shall be attended at all times by a person at least 18 years of age and not impaired by drugs, alcohol or disability.
5. No burning is permitted when drought or extreme weather conditions exist or a burning ban has been imposed by the state or other government body.
6. Any fire deemed to be unsafe or in violation of the ordinance may be extinguished by Mt. Top Hose Co. #1 and the person responsible for the fire may be required to pay a service fee therefor.
7. Prohibited materials which may not be burned include construction debris, plastic, manufacturing and commercial wastes.
8. Penalties: Persons found to have violated the burning ordinance and convicted before a District Justice shall be assessed a fine of between $50 and $500, and failure to pay such fine may result in imprisonment for up to 30 days for each offense.